Under : The Centre For Malaysian Chinese Studies (Register Under Companies Act 1965)

Date : 25 October 2001

About The Research:
INTI Foundation donated RM 200,000.00 to the Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies Research Fund for the benefit of research projects undertaken by the centre. A press conference was held on 25th October 2001 and the presentation of the mock cheque was presented to the centre on that day. The research projects are funded by the interest derived from the donation of INTI Foundation to The Centre For Malaysian Chinese Studies.

Two applications for funding for the year of 2003 were received from full-time research fellows of the centre and their research are as follows:
1. Research on 'The Early History of Penang' by Mr. Teoh Kian Hoon (Research Fellow)
The research examines the formative period of Penang's history and to re-appraise the historical process with reference to new evidence culled from archival and recently published materials. In particular the role of Malay and Chinese pioneers will be emphasized from a Malaysian-centric perspective. This research involves archival and library research requiring short visit to Penang.

2. Research on 'The Sin Han Society and local politics of the Chinese in Perak during 1970s' by Mr. Phoon Wing Keong (Assistant Research Fellow)
The proposed research examines the history and objectives of a political movement in Perak in an attempt to unravel the factional struggles of the MCA in the 1970s. It will seek to better understand the political history and process particularly involving the Chinese community in Perak in a period of uncertainty facing the community. The research requires reference work on specialized literature of the subject and interview in Perak.

Two applications for funding for the year of 2004 were received from full-time research fellows
of the centre and their research are as follows:
1. Research on 'A History of the Hakkas in Selangor, 1840-1940' by Miss Liew Hui Nee (Assistant Research Fellow)
The proposed research examines the role of one dialect group among the Chinese namely, the Hakkas, in the state of Selangor, from 1840 to 1940. This group, of whom Yap Ah Loy was one of the earliest pioneers, had played a significant role in the role in the formative period of Selangor development history and this project is an attempt to assess this role in its proper perspective.

2. Research on 'Malaysia-China Relations and Co-operation' by Dr. Voon Phin Keong (Director of Centre)
The proposed research deals with the growing importance of bilateral relations between Malaysia and China. It will examine patterns and characteristics of bilateral ties and factors that driving rapid escalation of these ties towards more constructive exchanges in the future. Places in the context of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and China, this research is especially useful in contributing towards a better understanding of forces that draw the two countries more tightly together than ever before.


:: Press Release ::

Sin Chew Jit Poh,
26th October 2001

Nanyang SiangPau,
27th October 2001

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